Falling Flat
When we first decided to staff at YWAM Kona, I was incredibly excited to write this Blog about all of our experiences. I ran into a few immediate issues. First, we were so involved with ministry here that I didn’t have time to write! Second, I couldn’t settle on a focus for my posts. I kept oscillating between family updates, things I was learning personally and Bible principles. Third, I felt that since I was already sending email updates, I would be redundant. I launched this site and have shared very little since we’ve been in Kona.
Moving forward, I’d love for you to pray with me. I really do love to write and share about all that God is doing in our lives, but I feel that I need to find a landing zone. Jeff and I are about to leave for South America for two weeks, and I will have about five days of air travel in all. I plan to spend a lot of that time praying and listening about many things, but one of them is what to do with this love I have for writing. I am inviting you to pray with me. As you pray, feel free to share with me your thoughts with me personally: tswanywam@gmail.com.
I also made a one question survey to gather some practical information. Would you mind taking less than one minute to give me input. I would really appreciate it. Thank you and take care! Tori